Summer School
Intercultural Public Health of Coastal and Archipelagic
This program is held to introduce and provide an understanding of the richness of culture and tradition and teach the principles of public health that can be applied to create innovative solutions, through interaction and provision of contributions to economic growth in Kalimantan, and also to introduce more about the rich and diverse interior culture of Kalimantan as the island of a thousand holes, known as the habitat of orangutans, and its exoticism as an area that has coastal areas and islands. INPEACHS will allow students to gain knowledge and soft skills on how to carry out traditional management based on the activities that we will visit and also provide a meaningful impression.
East Kalimantan is a very large area and rich in natural resources, the distance from one place of study to another is quite far so it will require more time and money to organize the course. With the exoticism of the existing area and the rare presence of outsiders who deepen the knowledge of coastal and island areas, this is a special attraction for students outside East Kalimantan and students from abroad. Our goal in getting sponsorship is to help us introduce the exoticism and uniqueness of East Kalimantan to the world. We hope that with the help of sponsors, it will be easier for us to develop the knowledge we have for foreign students in our country and strengthen cooperation between Indonesia and the United States in the fields of education and knowledge.
This summer class program is entitled (INPEACHS) Intercultural Public Health of Coastal and Archipelagic Summer School which will be held on 10-29 July 2025 at the Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan, with the key objects as follows:
- To enhance the knowledge in the field of public health, especially for the environment in coastal and archipelagic, waste management, and scientific writing.
- To improve general skills like giving a presentation and giving insights about public health in coastal and archipelagic areas.
- To initiate a collaboration between student and the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur
- To increase the number of international students in the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur
- To promote the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur globally.